
Felix Goes to South Dakota

This is where South Dakota is located in the US

This is a map of Native American Reservations (and other federal lands) in South Dakota.  Felix stayed on the Crow Creek Indian Reservation with his Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bobby who live north of Fort Thompson, SD about 5 miles.

Felix and his uncle Bob Ellsworth standing on the deck of their combine.  They were harvesting milo in a field that had been originally planted in corn, but was washed out by spring rain.  So, they planted a quick growing milo.  This picture was taken in "the pocket" which is 30m south of Harrold, SD.

Felix in front of a prairie dog town.  The prairie dogs went underground but the owls stayed out.

Handsome Bull

Saw a huge number of pheasants at his uncle Al's farm in outside Reliance, SD.

Felix at the South Dakota Rodeo Hall of Fame.  Statue of a old rodeo buddy of uncle Bobby.

Saw a herd of pronghorn while raking hay.